Many have been asking — and now they are ready — packets for craft vendors are available to be downloaded from this site. We are also accepting applications for small snack vendors. To respect the beautiful soccer fields that we use to host Glenville Oktoberfest, we again need to restrict access to the fields where no cars / trailers are allowed on the grass. However, you can unload nearby. Other organizations such as non-profit groups, local organizations should also use this same vendor packet to reserve space. We always encourage folks to consider hosting an ‘activity’ for Oktoberfest guest to enjoy – this also increases traffic to your space!
At this point we appear to be at capacity for large food vendors for the 2018 event – but do have some spaces for snack vendors that can be located within the Harvest area.
Thank you for your interest in Glenville Oktoberfest – please submit your vendor applications now to reserve space. We do try to ensure that our vendors complement each other — rather than having a large number of the same type of vendor. Your applications will be reviewed by our committee when they are received.